
Thursday, May 28, 2020


Hey what's up party people I just read a book about Mac & Cheese it honestly made me sooooo hungryyyyy. We also did a Quiz on it it was fun fair 😃 I got 100% My heart went ECSTATIC want to see

☺️🖆 It was fun. The hardest part was probably worrying about the results for the quiz. The easy part was probably doing the quiz. Ok bye bye!

Thursday, May 14, 2020

My writing that I have been working on for 1 or 2 weeks

On a warm nice day there was a group of 4 dust buddies. Their names were Kev, Duz, Nes, and Adm. They lived in a green modern house run by the richest man in the town. So what does that mean? Well he has a maid of course and maids try their best. They clean every corner and every single floor in the house and even under tables and what lives under the tables and rugs? DUST BUDDIES! So it's a struggle everyday for them to stay alive and not get sucked up by the vacuum.

When Nes and Duz were trying to sleep they could hear Kev and Adam playing animal crossing on a BIIIG Nintendo switch that the owner of the house’s son Steve had. After they did that they went to sleep. In the morning they could hear Steve rushing to get ready for school, Steve didn’t have enough time to eat a proper breakfast so he just grabbed some crackers from the white and shiney pantry. But on his way out he had dropped some of his crackers on the ground and keep in mind the dust buddies aren't usually hungry but when they saw that cracker hit the ground they had a look on their faces like they had not eaten in their entire life.

So once Steve left the house the dust buddies ran to the cracker apart for Kev because he felt like something was up. His stomach had sunk when he heard the doorbell go *DING DONG*. The dust buddies that were eating the cracker looked at each other then froze. The look on their faces was indescribable. The maid and the 3 other dust buddies were frozen once the maid came in and started up the vacuum cleaner she had the most evil look on her face. Kev motioned his hands for them to come back but they did not listen because they were still frozen as soon as she started up the vacuum Duz, Nes, and Adm unfroze and started booking it to the rug house but it was too late the maid was right on their tale until… *zoop* one by one they got sucked up by the vacuum the maid let out an evil cackle Kev was destroyed with sadness he had to think of a plan to get his friends. *Two hours later* Kev had whipped up a plan like a batter of cream. This was his plan: he would poison the maids' food so she would have to go to the toilet for a looooooooong time then when she was gone he would save his friends from the maid and it… WORKED as soon as the maid went on her break she was super hungry so she had a BIG spoonful and she was on that toilet for hours at least they thought until the maid saw the unplugged plug so she plugged it back in and as soon as it turned on you wont believe it but they made it what a relief when they made it out they had a thirsty taste of VENGEANCE so that’s exactly what they did.

Ok well that is it I hope you liked it ok bye bye :)

Reading Quiz =D

Hello fellow human's it is I Meiana I hope you are doing well. Have you been washing your hands and sanitising? If you did that's good and please continue if you haven't please start doing that :) well I can't really tell you what to do but you know just putting it out there. Ok well I just did a quiz on a story or poem I think it was. Anyway I got 10/11 I know its not to good but I only got 1 answer wrong so its pretty good anyway if you want to read the poem/story I will put it on the screen 4 you
I hope you can read it ok if you can't I can tell you it in the comment s the code word it Kit Kats :3 ok bye bye :D

Math's :)

Hey guys and girls I hope your having a good day I know I am if your not I hope you feel better soon I just did some math bingo with my math class it was my first time playing it it was really fun. The person who won was Havana she one of my best friends in morning tea wait im going off track never mind anyway wanna see my board and how much I got? Ok cool.

Well there you go yeaaa its not that great but yes ok well that's it...JOKE TIME!!! why do plants hate math? CAUSE IT GIVES THEM SQUARE ROOTS HAHAHAHA ok but in all seriousness that plant was so funny Do you get it? its ok if you don't I can explain it to you all you have to do is comment and I will reply ok im gonna get going now bye bye! 

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

My reading work today! =D

Hello guys and girls welcome back I hope your having a good day so far cause I know I am if you aren't I hope you feel better soon my life is doing great I just did a quiz on a book I just read its called Small Saul you can check it out on epic if you want. It was a fairly good book if you do end up reading it tell me your rating's on it. I would give it out of number's a 8/10 anyway wanna see my results? Ok cool

I GOT 100% Surprise! It was a fun Quiz I love the little dancing bunny its cute. JOKE TIME!!! what happened  when the Easter misbehaved at school? HE GOT EGG-SPELLED HAHAHAA ok im gonna get going bye!

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

My Math Work Today

Hey guys and girls I hope your having a good day so far cause I know I am if you aren't I hope you get better soon! anyway wanna see my work?  Ok great!

here you go Its was pretty fun
The hardest part was counting in 5's cause Mrs Jones was talking and I kept losing my count. The easy/fun part was connect the lines. JOKE TIME what do you call a person wearing a belt with a watch attached to it... A WAIST OF TIME! hahaha well anyway i'm gonna get going now bye.  

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Quiz Results

Hey guys and girl I just did a quiz on a book we just read about lots of animals it is called Stop Bugging Me. The hardest part was thinking and using strategy's to figure out the question. The easiest and personal my favourite part was getting the results. Speaking of results wanna see mine ok here ya go!

Here are my results I got 88% not the best but that's ok. If you want to check out the book its on Epic I will put a screen shot of the book cover so you know

JOKE TIME!!! I have been reading a book about anti-gravity... I can't put it down! Hahaha, anyway I should probably be going now bye have a good day.

Monday, May 4, 2020

Matching the Time - Past the Hour

Hey guys and girls I know you are all stuck at home I hope you are all having fun and doing well. I was just on a google hangout with my maths group I was stretching a lot cause I was tired but I'm ok now, I'm really excited for the next one scene. The easy part was connect the lines to the clock's the hard part was figuring out where to put the lines.


Friday, May 1, 2020

Meiana's Writing

Hey guys and girls I just did some writing about Meerkats wanna see it was pretty fun I really enjoy writing. Btw I hope you are having a good day so far are you cause I am if you aren't well I hope you get better soon.  JOKE TIME! what is New Zealand... Comment down if you know the answer. Well I wont keep you waiting for to long

One hot summer day there was a big group of Meerkats huddled up and sleeping in a pile. One of the Meerkat opened their eyes and saw a big juicy dragon fruit on a tree. It immediately lit up a smile one his face. The Meerkat woke up his friends and family so they could see the big juicy fruit.

The Meerkats huddled up and launched one by one up in the tree but the couldn't get it *SQUAWK* Vance the Vulture saw the fruit and thought That fruit should be mine So he swooped down and stole it he had a big grin on his face and laughed very evil. *a couple of minutes later* *CRASH*

Vance the Vulture crashed into a canyon while he was grinning back at the Meerkats. He dropped the fruit and Matthew the Meerkat sprinted to the dragon fruit and caught it. It was kinda like a rugby game. There were branches that looked like a rugby post. 

Miles the Meerkat passed the ball to Mary and they scored but here the fun part the fruit smashed and no one got to eat it
☺the end☺
I hope you liked it anyway bye.