
Thursday, November 26, 2020

🌳☁️Habitat destruction☁️🌳


For inquiry I have been learning about endangered animals & habitats It was so sad I cried when I got 

home but I'm okay now. I did a cinquin poem describing what it is and what happens during Deforestation.

 So enjoy! (Oh By the the pictures in the corner are made with google drawing).

Ok Bye Bye.



Wednesday, November 25, 2020

🌊🌺Ida & May🌺🌊



Read These! I'm so proud of how my Jamboards about Ida & May (Oh by the way they are from a book my group doctor suess was reading) so thats just a character description for you but I must go so uh bye :)

Thursday, November 19, 2020

✨🛑No Trespassing sign🛑✨


S I G N 

This is my sign that I made for reading cause we read a book called trespass its about three boys that trespass on a old mans land who looks a lot like Temuria Morrison may I add any way enjoy the sign peace out oh and hug your parents!

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

(*~Writing About Trespass the story and my work~*)

 T R E S P A S S


I think all of the words on you Left or Right side The words are

bonehead, pulled a wheel stand, you've got a head start, epic, I know right

, bull, decided to push on anyway, I'll end up copping it, You've got a cheek, at least on of you have some brains, i thought we were going to cop it, pretty sharp. That was a long list of words I know but it was super fun trying to work it out I thoroughly enjoyed it!

Thanks Mrs Jones :)

Ok Bye bye now have a wonderful day stay hydrated and safe but most importantly 

give your family a hug!

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Story Web About Just Desserts

 Hello Peeps! Today at reading we did a story web it was fun. You are probably curious to what it is so here it is. 

Thursday, August 6, 2020

~`My Future Cinquain`~

Hello I am back after a while of drafts heh. I have made cinquain of My Future by Billie Eilish, well I mean come on you saw that coming from a mile away you guys know how much I love Billie Eilish. Anyway I will show you, I am so proud of it 😆.

I just found out we didn't have to blog it but I want to anyway. Well here it is I hope you like it, I put my everything in this poem and I want to blog it so I did Ok Byeeee.

Friday, July 3, 2020

Hospital Clowns

Hey this was a project that I did during the lock-down its called hospital clowns wanna see it you do? ok cool I will show you it.

I have made it pretty big so you can see it, I personally really like it it took me about 1 week and 3 days. I did it very colourful like clowns, now I know I said I have a tiny fear of clowns but... I'M TERRIFIED OF THE COLOURFUL BEASTS.

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

My Pick-A-Path Story

Hello Hello Hello, it is me Meiana and this is called a pick-a-path story. I worked on this for so long. Please enjoy!

Hey! I'm back lets talk. What was your favourite part of my pick-a-path, please comment down below ok bye.

Oh hi again I forgot my blurb so.... here it is :)

My favourite part of doing this was probably doing the heaven and my message for you. And my least favourite part was linking it because you had to fix all of it and make sure it added up and all of that jazz. But im glad I finished it.

Ok Bye for real this time.

Thursday, May 28, 2020


Hey what's up party people I just read a book about Mac & Cheese it honestly made me sooooo hungryyyyy. We also did a Quiz on it it was fun fair 😃 I got 100% My heart went ECSTATIC want to see

☺️🖆 It was fun. The hardest part was probably worrying about the results for the quiz. The easy part was probably doing the quiz. Ok bye bye!

Thursday, May 14, 2020

My writing that I have been working on for 1 or 2 weeks

On a warm nice day there was a group of 4 dust buddies. Their names were Kev, Duz, Nes, and Adm. They lived in a green modern house run by the richest man in the town. So what does that mean? Well he has a maid of course and maids try their best. They clean every corner and every single floor in the house and even under tables and what lives under the tables and rugs? DUST BUDDIES! So it's a struggle everyday for them to stay alive and not get sucked up by the vacuum.

When Nes and Duz were trying to sleep they could hear Kev and Adam playing animal crossing on a BIIIG Nintendo switch that the owner of the house’s son Steve had. After they did that they went to sleep. In the morning they could hear Steve rushing to get ready for school, Steve didn’t have enough time to eat a proper breakfast so he just grabbed some crackers from the white and shiney pantry. But on his way out he had dropped some of his crackers on the ground and keep in mind the dust buddies aren't usually hungry but when they saw that cracker hit the ground they had a look on their faces like they had not eaten in their entire life.

So once Steve left the house the dust buddies ran to the cracker apart for Kev because he felt like something was up. His stomach had sunk when he heard the doorbell go *DING DONG*. The dust buddies that were eating the cracker looked at each other then froze. The look on their faces was indescribable. The maid and the 3 other dust buddies were frozen once the maid came in and started up the vacuum cleaner she had the most evil look on her face. Kev motioned his hands for them to come back but they did not listen because they were still frozen as soon as she started up the vacuum Duz, Nes, and Adm unfroze and started booking it to the rug house but it was too late the maid was right on their tale until… *zoop* one by one they got sucked up by the vacuum the maid let out an evil cackle Kev was destroyed with sadness he had to think of a plan to get his friends. *Two hours later* Kev had whipped up a plan like a batter of cream. This was his plan: he would poison the maids' food so she would have to go to the toilet for a looooooooong time then when she was gone he would save his friends from the maid and it… WORKED as soon as the maid went on her break she was super hungry so she had a BIG spoonful and she was on that toilet for hours at least they thought until the maid saw the unplugged plug so she plugged it back in and as soon as it turned on you wont believe it but they made it what a relief when they made it out they had a thirsty taste of VENGEANCE so that’s exactly what they did.

Ok well that is it I hope you liked it ok bye bye :)

Reading Quiz =D

Hello fellow human's it is I Meiana I hope you are doing well. Have you been washing your hands and sanitising? If you did that's good and please continue if you haven't please start doing that :) well I can't really tell you what to do but you know just putting it out there. Ok well I just did a quiz on a story or poem I think it was. Anyway I got 10/11 I know its not to good but I only got 1 answer wrong so its pretty good anyway if you want to read the poem/story I will put it on the screen 4 you
I hope you can read it ok if you can't I can tell you it in the comment s the code word it Kit Kats :3 ok bye bye :D

Math's :)

Hey guys and girls I hope your having a good day I know I am if your not I hope you feel better soon I just did some math bingo with my math class it was my first time playing it it was really fun. The person who won was Havana she one of my best friends in morning tea wait im going off track never mind anyway wanna see my board and how much I got? Ok cool.

Well there you go yeaaa its not that great but yes ok well that's it...JOKE TIME!!! why do plants hate math? CAUSE IT GIVES THEM SQUARE ROOTS HAHAHAHA ok but in all seriousness that plant was so funny Do you get it? its ok if you don't I can explain it to you all you have to do is comment and I will reply ok im gonna get going now bye bye! 

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

My reading work today! =D

Hello guys and girls welcome back I hope your having a good day so far cause I know I am if you aren't I hope you feel better soon my life is doing great I just did a quiz on a book I just read its called Small Saul you can check it out on epic if you want. It was a fairly good book if you do end up reading it tell me your rating's on it. I would give it out of number's a 8/10 anyway wanna see my results? Ok cool

I GOT 100% Surprise! It was a fun Quiz I love the little dancing bunny its cute. JOKE TIME!!! what happened  when the Easter misbehaved at school? HE GOT EGG-SPELLED HAHAHAA ok im gonna get going bye!

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

My Math Work Today

Hey guys and girls I hope your having a good day so far cause I know I am if you aren't I hope you get better soon! anyway wanna see my work?  Ok great!

here you go Its was pretty fun
The hardest part was counting in 5's cause Mrs Jones was talking and I kept losing my count. The easy/fun part was connect the lines. JOKE TIME what do you call a person wearing a belt with a watch attached to it... A WAIST OF TIME! hahaha well anyway i'm gonna get going now bye.  

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Quiz Results

Hey guys and girl I just did a quiz on a book we just read about lots of animals it is called Stop Bugging Me. The hardest part was thinking and using strategy's to figure out the question. The easiest and personal my favourite part was getting the results. Speaking of results wanna see mine ok here ya go!

Here are my results I got 88% not the best but that's ok. If you want to check out the book its on Epic I will put a screen shot of the book cover so you know

JOKE TIME!!! I have been reading a book about anti-gravity... I can't put it down! Hahaha, anyway I should probably be going now bye have a good day.

Monday, May 4, 2020

Matching the Time - Past the Hour

Hey guys and girls I know you are all stuck at home I hope you are all having fun and doing well. I was just on a google hangout with my maths group I was stretching a lot cause I was tired but I'm ok now, I'm really excited for the next one scene. The easy part was connect the lines to the clock's the hard part was figuring out where to put the lines.


Friday, May 1, 2020

Meiana's Writing

Hey guys and girls I just did some writing about Meerkats wanna see it was pretty fun I really enjoy writing. Btw I hope you are having a good day so far are you cause I am if you aren't well I hope you get better soon.  JOKE TIME! what is New Zealand... Comment down if you know the answer. Well I wont keep you waiting for to long

One hot summer day there was a big group of Meerkats huddled up and sleeping in a pile. One of the Meerkat opened their eyes and saw a big juicy dragon fruit on a tree. It immediately lit up a smile one his face. The Meerkat woke up his friends and family so they could see the big juicy fruit.

The Meerkats huddled up and launched one by one up in the tree but the couldn't get it *SQUAWK* Vance the Vulture saw the fruit and thought That fruit should be mine So he swooped down and stole it he had a big grin on his face and laughed very evil. *a couple of minutes later* *CRASH*

Vance the Vulture crashed into a canyon while he was grinning back at the Meerkats. He dropped the fruit and Matthew the Meerkat sprinted to the dragon fruit and caught it. It was kinda like a rugby game. There were branches that looked like a rugby post. 

Miles the Meerkat passed the ball to Mary and they scored but here the fun part the fruit smashed and no one got to eat it
☺the end☺
I hope you liked it anyway bye.

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Why do leaves change colour

Hey guys and girls I hope you are having a good day so far are you? well I was just on a google hangout with miss willamson and a couple of other people. We were talking about how leaves change colours. I made a little google drawing talking about how leaves change colours I also added a joke just to to spice things up. Anyway I won't keep you waiting here you go! I will tell you a quick joke before I go how does the tree get on to its computer... IT LOGS IN Hahahaa. Tell me a joke in the comments if you want. any way bye bye.


Monday, April 20, 2020

Quarantine Maths

Today me and all of Mrs Jones maths groups had a google hangout we did a google drawing on o'clocks and half past's. It was super fun and I felt really good finishing it, it felt like I have achieved something. Anyway you probably want to see the work I have done so that is exactly what I am going to do.

Friday, March 27, 2020

quarantine update

In the last couple of days Me and Erin Have been working on a slideshow that involves stuff o the site. We have been doing the stuff from the home learning site we are not finished but we will continue updating you on questions and quizzes. Any hoo I should probably be showing you the slide now

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Number of the week

Math a couple of weeks ago we did a slideshow on the number of the week. So the teacher/Miss Jones tells the class a number and they have to go on a slide and do all these things with the number. To make sure the you understand I will be putting up my slideshow on the blog so you can see mine and so you know what I mean.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Mr Indifferent

A Couple of weeks ago we watched A short film about a character called Mr Indifferent. First we did a Y chart on his looks, characteristics, and actions he was very rude and selfish but towards the end he had a change of heart he started helping everyone out instead of worrying about only himself which was very nice. The hardest part was thinking of the actions. The easiest part was writing it down.

Here is my story and a picture of him!

Mr Indifferent Lived in the Big Apple/New York he was very selfish he ignored everyone and everything like he was the only man on earth. He was slim and tall. If he grew any more he would be taller than a giraffe, he had a nose as big as an elephant's trunk, his face looks like it was Playdoh. 

It all started in the morning at the elevator where him and a beautiful lady *SLAM* the elevator door shut right in the lady’s face. He looked like he didn’t feel sorry at all.

He saw a little girl playing with a bright magenta balloon “ACHOOO” the little girl sneezed and the balloon slipped out of her hand like soap. He thought nothing about it and carried on with his day. He encountered a trolley on the loose and a man chasing after it as if it was a wild goose chase. And guess what HE IGNORED IT! He came to the crossing with a dim face and a sigh until he felt a grip on his arm.

It took him by surprise his face popped like a party popper. He looked down and it was an old lady she smiled at him. He just sighed and went with it. When the light hit green he was two busy debating to himself about other people so the little old lady tugged his arm then they started crossing. When they got to the middle he heard the roar of a speeding car so he looked over his shoulder in fright and saw a purple car coming right his way he didn’t want to get hurt or let it injure the old lady he finally thought about someone else. He put his hand out then *ERRR* The car stopped and his frighted face went away. They finally crossed the road and the old lady squeezed his cheek and he felt a spark in his heart for a while then it went away.

When he was walking home he saw a stand for the beach clean up but still ignored it and got to his apartment. He plopped down on his couch and looked at his hand. That spark had came back this time for good. Next morning he saw the lady again but stopped the elevator. She put her hair behind her ear and smiled. Mr. Indifferent chuckled with delight.
As Mr Indifferent was buttoning his suit he saw the little girls balloon again but he caught. He also volunteered for the beach clean up. He did all sorts if good things

    The End
✰ 😒 ✰


Thursday, March 19, 2020

Swimming In The Summer

In the summer the school had times that they got to go in the school pool every week on every day. At almost the end of summer our parents got to come and see what we had been learning while we where in the pool. My Mum sadly couldn't make it cause she had to do some work at the school. The hardest part well I think about it now and nothing was really that hard. I pretty much just had fun.
that's me Jordan, Bella, Bailey and Ella pearl


Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Meiana's Statistics Data

Today in Statistics we did graph's on google sheets that we have been learning about for the past three weeks. Some of Miss Mclouds homeroom/statistics group got to go ask Whakarua three some questions. I did my graph on peoples favourite shoe brands. I tried to make my one colourful so the Junior's could Enjoy. The hardest part was learning how to make it and he easiest part was adding the colours and stuff. Here is the finished masterpiece.

                                                            I hope you like it

Pūnui-o-toka’s Building Self-esteem Activity

Last week in Pūnui-o-toka we did a self esteem activity to build our visions of us. We each got a piece of paper and the choice of working with a buddy, I worked with Erin scene Arwen wasn't there that day. The piece of paper had very positive word's on it, it made me feel warm and nice inside we both had to cut out five words to stick on a black piece of paper with your school photo stuck on to it. The part that was the hardest was cutting out the words, the part I enjoyed was sticking them on and getting to see the be Beauty of the work that you have done. Would you like to see the picture?

here is the picture